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Published on June 23, 2004 By UzEE In WinCustomize Talk
I finaly compiled A working version of "Bootskin Editor" a tool who anyone can use tocreate bootskins the easy way.
Some features include:

You can graphicaly position the progress bar.
Save as Bootskin Editor document.
Export your created bootskin to Stardock Bootskin.
Edit the ini Code manually.

but thats not all
You can Also preview the Bootskin in Full screen 16 color 640x480 mode.

This feature is very powerfull and is not avaliable in any onther editor.

It will be avaliable to download freely When i find a way to upload it

I cant seem to upload any thing greater than 800 kb . I dont know why but its a restriction.
Comments (Page 3)
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on Jul 13, 2004
#30 by IPlural - 7/13/2004 6:15:52 PM Oh and Boxster, BoxerEdit, BoxEdit also ah QEdit too... [Message Edited]

on Jul 27, 2004
Writing help files is really tough work.
There is a New Version of the poll page set up, give it a try.

it will help me in writing help.
on Jul 27, 2004
About a month ago the site was launched, and today i was able to dig this info up.

Downloads in the Period

Times Bootskin Editor Downloaded = 1707

Browser Used by users

MSIE 6.0 = 78.52%
Mozilla/1.7 = 15.13%
Mozilla/1.6 = 5.17%
Mozilla/1.3.1 = 1.18%

OS Used By Users

Windows XP Pro = 93.57%
Windows NT 5.0 = 5.52%
Windows 98 = 0.91%

Screen Resolution of Users

1024x768 = 64.86%
1280x1024 = 23.72%
1600x1200 = 5.50%
1280x960 = 4.19%
1680x1050 = 1.73%

Color Depth of Users

32 = 92.97%
16 = 6.88%
8 = 0.15% (< Unrecommended Color Depth)

With this Info I Will Optimize the Perfomence of the Editor so it wont have as much bugs.

on Aug 07, 2004
When I make a new file and save it. When I click EXPORT, it exports out the image files and ini. My boot skin that I created doesn't show up in the list. So I try to do it through Import From File.. The problem is that Stardock's BootSkin only takes .bootskin files.
I'm new to this, any help will be appreciated.
on Aug 07, 2004
ok, sorry. never mind. i got it to work! yay for me!!!!!
on Aug 07, 2004
okay, i got it to load right? the preview screen works fine. the whole thing is black and white so there is nothing to create any problems. when i actually restart my computer, it's just outlines. and the outlines don't look good. is there any way to fix it?
on Aug 07, 2004
sorry about posting so much. i got it now. it has to be a 4 bit 16 color image.
on Aug 07, 2004

it has to be a 4 bit 16 color image


In a word.....


on Oct 01, 2004
that last program dosent work and u need the other bootskin proram and that 1 is bad to
on Oct 01, 2004
i have made a bootskin on ure great program but i dont know how to make it a .bootskin file can someone help!!!!
on Oct 01, 2004
zip it and rename the .zip extension to .bootskin  ....
on Oct 02, 2004
just select the bootskin in the skin list in "STARDOCK BOOTSKIN" and from File Menu >> Select "Export Selected Bootskin to File..."
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