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How old a WinCustomize User Must Be. I'mean that Both My little Brothers made Bootskins this past week obviously not perfect but it is what you can expect from the Sons of a Father who Was one ofthe good students of my contries Finest Art College (NCA Lahore,Pakistan) inhis days. So all of us brothers haveArt Genes in us.

One of My Brother Mahad is 13 Year old and has the Nick Flame! on WinCustomize. He Uploaded two of his bootskins today.
My Younger Brother Raheej is 10 and Wants to Sign Up on WinCustomize (Nick Fire!).

So I Just Wanted to ask wether they are over the required age limit or not.
Comments (Page 1)
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on Aug 21, 2004
Age is not a factor. Manners and protocol are.
on Aug 21, 2004
Age has no place here...As long as you have talent, manners, and a sense opf humor.
on Aug 21, 2004
I have an excellent sense opf humor.

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on Aug 21, 2004


Age IS a factor. is hosted/owned in the USA and US law prohibits minors [under 13] from joining a site where personal information is needed in the sign-up process, in this case email addy.

Those under 13 wishing to join are required by US Law to have specific parental consent. {I assume that has to be by a tangible and verifiable method of communicating same].

From memory the relevant 'law' is called 'COPPA'...

on Aug 23, 2004
But Niether you or me live in US Jafo.
Your an Auzi and i'm a Pakistani.
Oh btw am i fit for that COPPA Law Being on the Parential Side.
on Aug 23, 2004
UzEE, you're not paying attention. The site is owned/hosted in the USA, That's what makes the difference. OK?
BTW, glad to see you are behaving yourself. Keep up the good work.
on Aug 25, 2004
Age should never be a factor here. Only quality of work (if submitting skins) and respect for others (if posted on the boards).
UzEE good luck, and ignore those that will patronize you because of your age.

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on Aug 25, 2004

harrison1701....provided you are 13 or over....

Parental consent is required for anyone under 13.

on Aug 25, 2004
harrison1701, no one is patronizing UzEE. United States law requires members to be at least 13 years old to sign up on a web site such as this. WinCustomize is hosted in the US, and so it is bound by that law. Beyond that, age is not a factor here. People are judged by their contributions and interaction, not by their age.
on Aug 26, 2004
You may want to re-read some of the replies, and judge them based on if they had been directed to you.
But I am *now* aware of the parental consent issue. But that is only legal mumbo jumbo for signing up to a site. Age should not be an *issue* as to what you can skins you can post here.

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on Aug 26, 2004
I Reread the replies...none of them is a problem...
on Aug 26, 2004
Age should not be an *issue* as to what you can skins you can post here.

I have never seen age as an issue here. Maturity is a completely different thing though.
Example of poor maturity. (Dont take this too hard uzee)
Posting a bootskin with a spelling mistake and saying you meant for it to be mispelled. 1. Fix the mispelling. 2. What kind of respect are you giving your country to mispell Independence? Agin, I am not attcking you uzee, just pointing out something.
on Aug 28, 2004

Posting a bootskin with a spelling mistake and saying you meant for it to be mispelled. 1. Fix the mispelling. 2. What kind of respect are you giving your country to mispell Independence? Agin, I am not attcking you uzee, just pointing out something.

I just thaught it would be fun...
on Aug 28, 2004
Your idea of fun leaves a lot to consider, UzEE. Causing problems for another persons computer is not fun. Malicious website links and viruses are not fun. Submitting known broken skins, is not fun. As an artist here, submitting stuff with known errors is also "not fun". Also, it is an insult to the site and the other artists. It hurts the reputation of the artists and the site itself. Try being on the receiving end of your type of "fun". It sounds like you have a lot of maturing to do my friend.
[Message Edited]
on Aug 28, 2004
Admin Jafo - 8/21/2004 9:19:45 PM Wrong.Age IS a factor.

And, your response is a good example of why it needs to be a factor, UzEE.
Maturity comes with age.
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