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What would you recommend?
Published on September 27, 2005 By UzEE In Suites
Hi Guys. I want to set up my PC to look like Vista. I'm Currently using VistaXP by KoL, and Qx9's VistaWalls.
But Unfortunately I cant find a Good Icon Set to go with them.

So any of you guys can help me set my PC up. Recommend from DesktopX Themes to CursorPacks, Bootskin and whatever. I will try to sum your recommendations up.

on Sep 27, 2005
Mayby this will help:

on Sep 27, 2005
Hey Uzee this is an excellent way to request help. I'm using the same skin by Kol (An excellent skinner) I recently dowload some icons I can find the link for it but in case you are intrested I have the ZIP file, I can pass it to you. The only problem is that Icon Packager won't recognize it. And I can not make it work, in case you are intrested here is my e-mail: and I will send you the ZIP file and in case you find I way to make work just let me know Thanks
on Sep 27, 2005
Hey guys i finally got some icons that are cool. Hey Mr Edivion this might like you too. But las night i was doing some research and finally got found them. The credit goes to this guys you will need to install a program similar to ZIP it's RAR then it works the same as then the icon Packager will work the whole credit goes to this guys Blackice@AeroXP.
Thanks a lot guys!!!!
on Sep 28, 2005
I already got WinRAR so this wasnt a problem.

I tried both the Iconpacks.

Vista has more icons than Vista XP[/b] so I recommend that. Thanx Mr Edivion and jimenomar

As for the Bootskin and Logon;
I'm Using Vista by A_67

and the same Logon;
Vista by A_67

they go with the skin somewhat